%0 Journal Article %T 工业4.0时代泰国数字营销战略研究——基于消费者行为角度
Research on Thailand’s Digital Marketing Strategy in the Age of Industry 4.0—Based on the Perspective of Consumer Behavior %A 陈可丽 %J Modern Marketing %P 9-18 %@ 2160-7370 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MOM.2022.121002 %X 近年来,泰国进入工业4.0时代,使得企业或消费者面临着技术带来变化的情况。传统的业务模式也被抢占了角色,许多人企业开始面临销售和客户数量下降的问题。为了理解消费者的需求,企业不得不将其商业惯例调整为4.0时代操作。因此,数字技术与科学进步的融合为我们提供了新的生活方式。对技术在各个领域都发挥着作用,营销改革和消费者都是全部企业的重要问题,绝对有必要采取行动。为了成功,它必须经历一个过程高效,随时应对变化的挑战这是一项重要技能21世纪的人类与泰国为智慧工业4.0时代发展。数字营销是通过互联网网购,使用数字技术的应用平台或服务的一种形式,包括手机应用通过显示屏幕消息进行广告等数字媒体。所以,本文探究消费者行为角度对学者对工业4.0时代泰国数字营销战略研究。本文通过网络调查的方式进行实证研究。
In recent years, Thailand has entered the era of Industry 4.0, making companies or consumers faced with changes brought about by technology. The traditional business model has also been disruption, and many companies have begun to face the problem of declining sales and customer numbers. In order to understand the needs of consumers, companies have to adjust their business practices to 4.0 era operations. Therefore, the integration of digital technology and scientific progress has provided us with a new way of life. As technology plays a role in all fields, marketing reform and consumers are important issues for all enterprises, and it is absolutely necessary to act. In order to succeed, it must go through an efficient process and always respond to the challenges of change. This is an important skill for mankind in the 21st century and Thailand to develop in the era of smart industry 4.0. Digital marketing is a form of online shopping through the Internet and an application platform or service that uses digital technology, including digital media such as mobile phone applications that display on-screen messages for advertising. Therefore, this article explores the perspective of consumer behavior and scholars’ research on Thailand’s digital marketing strategy in the industry 4.0 era. This article conducts empirical research by means of online survey. %K 泰国数字营销,营销战略,工业4.0,消费者行为
Thailand Digital Marketing %K Marketing Strategy %K Industry 4.0 %K Consumer Behavior %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=47984