%0 Journal Article %T 阿旺乡河道沿岸土壤矿物元素特征及与岩石地表水农作物相关性分析
Characteristics of Soil Mineral Elements along the River in Awang Township and Their Correlation with Rock, Surface Water and Crops %A 拉姆罗珍 %A 袁宏 %A 洛桑塔青 %A 欧阳文杰 %J Hans Journal of Soil Science %P 15-23 %@ 2329-7263 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/HJSS.2022.101003 %X
The content characteristics and correlation of five mineral elements Se, Mo, Cu, Ca and Zn in soil along the three confluence rivers in Awang Township, Gongjue county were studied by means of data statistics and correlation analysis. The results showed that soil Ca showed strong variability, surface water Se, Cu, Mo and Zn showed strong variability, and rock Mo, Se and Ca showed strong variability, forage Se showed strong variability. The contents of Se, Cu and Zn in soil samples are the highest, the content of Mo in forage samples is the highest, and the content of Ca in rock samples is the highest. For the five mineral elements of Se, Mo, Cu, Ca and Zn, there is no significant linear correlation among soil, water, rock and forage samples in the study area.
%K 土壤,矿物元素,相关性
Soil %K Mineral Elements %K Relevance %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=47977