%0 Journal Article %T 戏剧类非遗旅游体验的影响因素研究——以昆曲为例
Factors Influencing the Tourism Experience of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Drama—Taking Kunqu Opera as an Example %A 周芸 %J Modern Marketing %P 1-8 %@ 2160-7370 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MOM.2022.121001 %X 传统戏剧是我国非遗中占较大比例的一类,然而尽管其动作和唱腔具备独特的艺术表现力,在现代商业文明的冲击下却更加曲高和寡。本文运用八爪鱼抓取微博和马蜂窝两大平台上昆曲旅游相关的网络文本并清洗出有效语料,后采用NVivo软件对这些文本数据进行反复提炼和对比,通过运用扎根理论三级编码最终确立了由游客个人因素、目的地因素、非遗质量、服务质量、环境氛围和旅游纪念品这六个核心范畴组成的戏剧类非遗旅游体验的影响因素模型。基于该模型,笔者为戏剧类非遗资源的管理者和运营者提出发展建议,以帮助其在此过程中充分保护并合理利用非遗资源,提高非遗旅游体验。
Traditional drama accounts for a large proportion in China’s Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH). However, despite its unique artistic expression, it is difficult to survive under the impact of modern commercial civilization. The author uses Octopus to crawl web texts related to Kunqu opera tourism on Sina Weibo and Mafengwo and collect the effective reviews on the basis of summarizing the literature related to ICH, ICH tourism and tourism experience. After that, NVivo, a qualitative analysis software, is used to analyze the text data based on the grounded theory. Then, a model of factors influencing the tourism experience of intangible cultural heritage of drama is built, which consists of tourists’ personal factors, destination factors, ICH quality, service quality, environmental atmosphere and tourist souvenirs. According to the model, the author provides suggestions for the managers and operators of the intangible cultural heritage resources of drama to help them fully protect and utilize these resources during the process of tourism development. %K 非遗,旅游体验,扎根理论
Intangible Cultural Heritage %K Tourism Experience %K Grounded Theory %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=47901