%0 Journal Article %T A Study on Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Risk Factors in New and Re-Treated Presumptive Patients at Wad Madani Tuberculosis Center, Sudan (2018-2019): A Cross-Sectional Study %A Zeinab H. Alfaham %A Elhadi A. Ahmed %A Elamin M. Ibrahim %A Mohamed Soud Mohamed %A Ameer A. Mohamed %A Ayman Mahjob %A Mubarak A. Elshafia %A Bakri Y. M. Nour %J Journal of Tuberculosis Research %P 18-27 %@ 2329-8448 %D 2022 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/jtr.2022.101002 %X Introduction:</b> The increase in cases of drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis, especially in endemic areas, is mainly associated with re-treatment, although resistant tubercle bacilli can be easily transmitted between all susceptible persons. <b>Objective:</b> The study aimed to describe pulmonary tuberculosis, risk factors and MDR in new and re-treated suspected patients attending Wad Madani Tuberculosis Center that provides service in central Sudan. <b>Methods:</b> Cross-sectional laboratory based study among 300 presumptive pulmonary tuberculosis patients during 2018 and 2019 was conducted. Cases were divided into new and re-treated. <i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i> DNA and rpoB gene of multi-drug resistance (MDR) were detected in sputum samples by GeneXpert assay as manufacturer instructions. <b>Results:</b> %K MDR %K Pulmonary Tuberculosis %K Relapse %K Sudan %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=115700