%0 Journal Article %T 基于体验视角的品牌仪式的实现路径:王阳明知行合一的阐释与应用
Formation Path of Brand Ritual Based on Experience Perspective: The Interpretation and Application of Wang Yangming’s Theory of Unity of Knowledge and Practice %A 马湘临 %J Modern Marketing %P 19-33 %@ 2160-7370 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MOM.2022.121003 %X 本文从品牌体验的视角,挖掘了品牌仪式的形成路径:品牌情感体验通过互动内化为情感能量,情感能量正向影响且外化为品牌仪式;品牌认知体验通过分享内化为隐性知识,隐性知识正向影响且外化为品牌仪式;品牌行动体验通过实践内化为惯例,惯例正向影响且外化为品牌仪式。同时,本文用王阳明的知行合一理论对这三条路径之间的关系进行了阐释,品牌情感体验和品牌认知体验构成王阳明知行合一的知;品牌行动体验形成王阳明知行合一的行。只有知行合一,才能形成品牌仪式。
This paper explores the formation path of brand ritual from the perspective of brand experience. It points out that brand emotional experience is internalized into emotional energy through interaction, and emotional energy has a positive impact and externalized into brand ritual; brand cognitive experience is internalized into tacit knowledge through sharing, and tacit knowledge has a positive impact and externalized into brand ritual; brand action experience is internalized into practice, and practice has a positive impact and externalized into brand ritual. Meanwhile, this paper explains the relationship between these three paths with Wang Yangming’s theory of the unity of knowledge and practice. Brand emotional experience and brand cognitive experience constitute what Wang Yangming said knowledge; brand action experience forms what Wang Yangming said practice; Only the unity of knowledge and practice can form a brand ritual. %K 品牌仪式,知行合一,隐性知识,惯例,实践
Brand Ritual %K Theory of Unity of Knowledge and Practice %K Tacit Knowledge %K Routine %K Practice %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=48726