%0 Journal Article %T 奥斯特瓦尔德熟化机制及其在二元合金中的进展
Ostwald Ripening Mechanism and Its Development in Binary Alloys %A 王新月 %A 杨少鹏 %A 王海 %A 赵国忠 %J Modern Physics %P 31-37 %@ 2161-0924 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MP.2022.122003 %X 一个不均匀的颗粒系统,由于界面能高,在一定的温度驱动下,系统界面能降低,小颗粒溶解,溶质定向迁移,聚集沉积到大颗粒上。这就是著名的奥斯特瓦尔德熟化(Ostwald Ripening),在材料的合成过程中对颗粒的尺寸分布及演化规律有控制性影响。120多年来,人们对于Ostwald Ripening的探究和应用从未停息。本文介绍Ostwald Ripening的发展历史,理论机制以及近些年人们在二元合金体系研究中的最新进展。
Thermally driven of particle growth in an inhomogeneous particle assembly is originated from the change of the interfacial energy, yielding the dissolution of small particles, directional migration of solutes, aggregation and deposition on large particles, and a re-distribution of particle size. This is known as Ostwald Ripening. For more than 120 years, Ostwald Ripening attracts a broad interest in multidisciplinary and remains an important part of cutting-edge research nowadays. In the present work, Ostwald Ripening is briefly reviewed by its development history, the basic theoretical model, as well as the latest progress in the study of binary alloy in recent years. %K Ostwald Ripening,纳米粒子,二元合金
Ostwald Ripening %K Nanoparticles %K Binary Alloy %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=49071