%0 Journal Article
%T 六斑刺鲀受精卵的孵化技术
The Incubation Technology of Fertilized Eggs of Diodon holocanthus
%A 岳彦峰
%A 苏志星
%A 彭士明
%A 王孝杉
%A 吕小康
%J Adances in Marine Sciences
%P 19-23
%@ 2376-4279
%D 2022
%I Hans Publishing
%R 10.12677/AMS.2022.91003
As a kind of Diodon holocanthus with important development potential, the hatching of fertilized eggs is one of
the key factors affecting the success or failure of artificial reproduction,
and the hatching rate directly affects the cultivation and propagation of later
seedlings. This study aimed at this technical problem, through repeated
exploration and research, designed suitable incubation facilities and
incubation methods, greatly improved the hatching rate of fertilized eggs of Diodon
holocanthus, and provided certain technical support for the future factory
As a kind of Diodon holocanthus with important
development potential, the hatching of fertilized eggs is one of the key
factors affecting the success or failure of artificial reproduction, and the
hatching rate directly affects the cultivation and propagation of later seedlings.
This study aimed at this technical problem, through repeated exploration and
research, designed suitable incubation facilities and incubation methods,
greatly improved the hatching rate of fertilized eggs of Diodon holocanthus,
and provided certain technical support for the future factory breeding.
%K 六斑刺魨,受精卵,孵化技术
Diodon holocanthus
%K Fertilized Egg
%K Incubation Technique
%U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=49078