%0 Journal Article %T 前列腺素类滴眼液副作用的研究进展
Advances of the Side Effects of Prostaglandin Eye Drops %A 陆叶 %A 曹阳 %J Hans Journal of Ophthalmology %P 55-69 %@ 2167-6550 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/HJO.2022.111010 %X 前列腺素类滴眼液由于其降眼压效果显著、副作用少、一天一次的使用频率成为治疗青光眼的一线药物。但随着人们对前列腺素类药物运用和研究的进一步深入,其在眼部及眼外的副作用及其机制被逐步报道。与此同时,一些副作用更少、降眼压效果良好的新型前列腺素类药物的出现,为饱受传统前列腺素类药物副作用折磨的青光眼患者带来了福音。本文将对目前主要的前列腺素类药物的副作用及其机制作一综述,旨在为眼科医生合理选择前列腺素类药物,防治其副作用提供参考。
Prostaglandin eye drops have become first-line drugs for the treatment of glaucoma due to their significant efficacy of lowering intraocular pressure, few side effects, and the frequency of once a day. However, as the application and the study of it develops in depth, the intraocular and extraocular side effects of prostaglandin eye drops have gradually been reported. Simultaneously, the emergence of some new prostaglandin drugs with fewer side effects and comparable effects of lowering intraocular pressure has also brought the gospel to glaucoma patients who suffer from the side effects of traditional prostaglandin drugs. This article will review the side effects of the main prostaglandin drugs and the mechanisms of their side effects, aiming to provide a reference for ophthalmologists to rationally select prostaglandin drugs and prevent their side effects. %K 前列腺素类药物,青光眼,副作用
Prostaglandin %K Glaucoma %K Side Effect %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=49147