%0 Journal Article %T 一种兼容单相系统的通用软件锁相环设计
A General Software Phase-Locked Loop Compatible with Single-Phase System %A 刘长江 %J Journal of Electrical Engineering %P 13-21 %@ 2333-5424 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JEE.2022.101002 %X 大功率车载充电机V2G工作模式,进行并网时,会存在单相三相系统切换的应用场景。本文提出一种通用型三相系统锁相环控制方法,该方法将单相系统视为三相不平衡故障的一种特例,基于移相控制的方式实现电压信号的正负序分离,设计出通用型软件锁相环,使其不仅能够适用于三相系统,也能够实现单相系统的兼容。最后通过模型仿真,针对三相电压不平衡和单相三相系统切换的应用场景,仿真验证了该锁相环设计的正确性。
When the high-power onboard charger works as V2G mode, there will be an application scenario of single-phase three-phase system switching. In this paper, a general three-phase system phase- locked loop control method is proposed. This method regards the single-phase system as a special case of three-phase unbalanced fault, and realizes the positive and negative sequence separation of the voltage signal based on the phase-shift control method. The universal software phase- locked loop makes it not only suitable for three-phase systems, but also compatible with single- phase systems. Finally, through model simulation, for the application scenarios of three-phase voltage unbalance and single-phase three-phase system switching, the simulation verifies the correctness of the phase-locked loop design. %K 锁相环,单相,三相,兼容,移相控制
Phase-Locked Loop %K Single-Phase System %K Three-Phase System %K Compatible %K Phase Shift Control %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=49479