%0 Journal Article %T 船体结构用钢认证工艺控制实践
Practice of Certification Process Control for Hull Structural Steel %A 周松明 %A 汪晛 %A 王小燕 %A 王孝东 %J Metallurgical Engineering %P 74-79 %@ 2373-1486 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MEng.2022.91010 %X 分析了130吨转炉生产船体用结构钢时各工序的控制要点,指出船体用结构钢生产控制的关键因素:成分设计、低磷低氮冶炼技术、夹杂物形态控制、微合金化元素的合理利用、连铸机参数的合理配置以及控冷控轧技术。实践证明,采用该工艺生产的船体用结构钢完全符合船级社的认证要求。
The control points of various processes in the production of hull structural steel by 130 ton converter are analyzed, and the key factors of production control of hull structural steel are pointed out: composition design, low phosphorus and low nitrogen smelting technology, inclusion shape control, rational utilization of microalloying elements, rational configuration of caster parameters and controlled cooling and rolling technology. Practice has proved that the hull structural steel produced by this process fully meets the certification requirements of the classification society. %K 船体用钢,因素,成分设计,认证
Hull Steel %K Factor %K Composition Design %K Authentication %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=49411