%0 Journal Article %T 微胶囊的制备方法研究进展
Progress in Preparation Methods of Microcapsules %A 王嘉炜 %A 王迎国 %J Hans Journal of Nanotechnology %P 19-25 %@ 2161-0878 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/NAT.2022.122003 %X
Microcapsule technology has become one of the key technologies in the world because of its superior structure and performance. The common wall materials of microcapsules and the preparation methods of microcapsules are introduced in this paper. The wall materials of microcapsules are mainly divided into three categories: natural polymer materials, semi-synthetic polymer materials and synthetic polymer materials. The preparation methods of microcapsules are physical methods, chemical methods and physicochemical methods. In this paper, the different applicable objects, advantages and disadvantages of various methods are discussed in detail, and the current application and existing problems of microcapsule technology are prospected in order to provide theoretical guidance for the development of microcapsules.
%K 微胶囊,壁材,制备方法
Microcapsule %K Wall Material %K Preparation Method %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=49806