%0 Journal Article %T 基于有限元仿真的三芯海底电缆温度场分析
Analysis of Temperature Field of Three-Core Submarine Cable Based on Finite Element Simulation %A 刘晓亮 %A 魏俊 %J Journal of Electrical Engineering %P 30-38 %@ 2333-5424 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JEE.2022.101004 %X 随着对海上风电、海底石油与天然气的开发,海底电缆对于电力传输的发挥着重要的作用,但运行时会产生大量的热,对于输电产生许多不利影响,因此海底电缆温度场分析值得重点关注。目前,国内外学者也针对海底电缆的载流量和温度场等进行了大量的研究,本文使用ANSYS有限元仿真软件对三芯光纤复合海底海缆的温度场进行计算,模拟不同季节与不同海域土壤情况下,分析了不同环境温度、不同土壤导热系数与不同埋设深度对三芯海缆直埋敷设时温度场的影响,结果表明海缆导体温度与环境温度呈正相关关系且环境温度每升高4℃导体温度升高约3℃;与埋设深度也呈现正相关关系;与土壤导热系数呈负相关关系。为三芯海缆的设计以及海缆输电线路规划提供了参考。
With the development of offshore wind power, submarine oil and natural gas, submarine cables play an important role in power transmission, but a large amount of heat is generated during operation, which has many adverse effects on power transmission. Therefore, the analysis of the temperature field of submarine cables is worthy of attention. At present, scholars at home and abroad have also conducted a lot of research on the current carrying capacity and temperature field of submarine cables. In this paper, the ANSYS finite element simulation software is used to calculate the temperature field of the three-core optical fiber composite submarine cable, and simulate the soil in different seasons and different sea areas. In this paper, the influence of different ambient temperatures, different soil thermal conductivity and different burial depths on the temperature field of the three-core submarine cable during direct burial is analyzed. The results show that the conductor temperature is positively correlated with the ambient temperature, and the conductor temperature increases by about 3°C for every 4°C increase in ambient temperature; positive correlation with burial depth; negative correlation with soil thermal conductivity. It provides a reference for the design of the three-core submarine cable and the planning of the submarine cable transmission line. %K 海底电缆,温度场,有限元,环境温度,导热系数
Submarine Cable %K Temperature Field %K Finite Element %K Ambient Temperature %K Thermal Conductivity %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=49874