%0 Journal Article %T GIS局放智能检测方法研究
Research on the Intelligent Detection Method of GIS Partial Discharge %A 刘晓亮 %A 倪庞 %J Journal of Electrical Engineering %P 50-60 %@ 2333-5424 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JEE.2022.101006 %X 随着电力行业的飞速发展,GIS设备广泛应用于变电站中,对电网稳定运行有着重要作用,其运行时可能发生的局放故障,会对设备甚至电网造成许多不利影响,因此对GIS的局放检测是具有重要意义的。为研究GIS局放快速检测并定位准确的检测方法,本文通过对比脉冲电流、超高频、超声波检测方法对不同典型局放类型的灵敏度关系以及三者对局放类型的适用范围,结合超高频灵敏度较高、超声波抗电磁干扰能力强两者的优点,提出采用声电联合的检测方式,并对该检测方法进行应用检测分析,将检测结果与局放类型图谱对比,得出局放类型,并确定其发生的位置。采用声电联合检测方法进行局放的快速检测、定位与识别,最终实现GIS局放的智能检测,既保证了局放检测的快速、可靠,又为设备安全运行提供了有力的保障。
With the rapid development of the power industry, GIS equipment is widely used in substations, which plays an important role in the stable operation of the power grid. The release faults that may occur during its operation will cause many adverse effects on the equipment and even the power grid, so it is of great significance to the release detection of GIS. In order to study the rapid detection and accurate detection method of GIS, this paper compares the sensitivity relationship of pulse current, UHF and ultrasonic detection methods and the scope of application of the three, combined the advantages of high UHF sensitivity and strong ultrasonic resistance to electromagnetic interference ability, we propose to adopt acoustic and electric combined detection method, and the applied detection analysis, compare the detection results with the local discharge type map, get the local discharge type, and determine the location. The audio and electric joint detection method is used to conduct rapid detection, positioning and identification, and finally realizes the intelligent detection of GIS bureau release, which not only ensures the rapid and reliable bureau release detection, but also provides a strong guarantee for the safe operation of the equipment. %K 局部放电,超高频检测,超声波检测,声电联合检测
Partial Discharge %K UHF Detection %K AE Detection %K Ultrasound-Electric Combination %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=49878