%0 Journal Article %T 基于MVR技术的压缩机气体温度控制系统设计
Design of Compressor Gas Temperature Control System Based on MVR Technology %A 王忠超 %A 李明颖 %A 刘志磊 %A 庞桂兵 %A 张慧 %J Dynamical Systems and Control %P 65-76 %@ 2325-6761 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/DSC.2022.112008 %X MVR技术以其突出的节能特性,广泛应用于化工、食品、环保等行业。在MVR系统中,压缩机气体温度直接影响工业原液的处理品质,为此设计了一种基于MVR技术的压缩机气体温度控制系统。系统采用西门子S7-1500PLC为核心控制器、威纶通触摸屏为上位机、易福门温度传感器和宝德数字式比例控制阀。考虑到气体温度在控制过程中存在惯性大,非线性以及时滞等特点,在传统PID的基础上,提出了基于模糊PID动态原理的控制算法,通过模糊控制方法实现PID参数在线整定,从而使得PID控制器具备了根据系统变化进行自适应调整的能力。实验结果表明,系统运行稳定,压缩机出气温度稳定在设定值(120 ± 2)℃,控制方案设计合理,满足要求。
MVR technology has received extensive use in chemical, food, environmental protection and other industries for its excellent energy-saving characteristics. In MVR system, the treatment quality of industrial waste liquid will be directly affected by the compressor gas temperature. A compressor gas temperature control system based on MVR technology was designed, using Siemens S7-1500PLC as the core controller, Weinview touch screen as the upper computer, ifm temperature sensor and Burkert digital proportional control valve. Considering the characteristics of large inertia, nonlinearity and time delay in the control process of gas temperature, a control algorithm based on the dynamic principle of the fuzzy PID was proposed. The PID parameters were adjusted online through the fuzzy control method, so that the PID controller had the ability of adaptive adjustment according to the changes of the system. The experimental results showed that the outlet temperature of the compressor was stable at the set value of (120 ± 2)?C. The designed control scheme is reasonable and meets the requirements. %K MVR,压缩机,气体温度控制,模糊自适应PID控制,PLC
MVR %K Compressor %K Gas Temperature Control %K Fuzzy Adaptive PID Control %K PLC %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=50301