%0 Journal Article %T 儿童de Winter综合征一例
De Winter Syndrome in Children: A Case Report %A 周中兴 %A 陈丽霞 %A 张再伟 %J Asian Case Reports in Pediatrics %P 1-6 %@ 2328-0441 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ACRP.2022.101001 %X de winter综合征特征心电图表现为上斜性ST段压低伴T波对称高尖,很快进展为ST段抬高型心肌梗死,及早识别该心电图演变,早期行冠脉血运重建治疗,挽救患者生命。本文报道1例10岁患儿心电图早期出现de winter表现,结合心肌酶及肌钙蛋白的动态改变,完善冠脉造影检查,证实为前降支(Left anterior descending, LAD)近段急性闭塞病变,给予行急诊介入治疗。
The characteristic ECG of de Winter syndrome is up-slope ST-segment depression with symmetric high apex of T wave, which quickly progresses to ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Such ECG pattern should be identified early and emergency reperfusion therapy saves the patient's life. We report a 10-year-old child with early ECG manifestations of de winter. Combined with the dynamic changes of myocardial enzymes and troponin, the coronary angiography examination was perfected with emergency interventional therapy. %K 儿童,de Winter综合征
Children %K de Winter Syndrome %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=50260