%0 Journal Article %T 新能源车用动力电池管理系统设计
Design of Power Battery Management System for New Energy Vehicles %A 金家立 %A 张俊杰 %A 边天贻 %A 熊林宏 %A 凌苏湘 %J Advances in Energy and Power Engineering %P 25-30 %@ 2328-0506 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AEPE.2022.102004 %X 为了更好地解决纯电动汽车使用过程中电池的不稳定性的问题,提升新能源电池的使用效率和周期,本文介绍了一种新能源车用动力电池的软硬件设计。该管理系统基于深度学习,以STM32F103V8T6单片机为控制中心,通过对SOC和SOH参数的测定,均衡电路的完善,电池信息的检测,实现对车用动力电池的动态信息掌握,让车用动力电池的使用周期和使用效率得到进一步提升。
In order to better solve the problem of battery instability during the use of pure electric vehicles and improve the use efficiency and cycle of new energy batteries, this paper introduces the software and hardware design of a power battery for new energy vehicles. The management system takes the STM32F103V8T6 microcontroller as the control center. Through the measurement of SOC and SOH parameters, the improvement of the balance circuit, and the detection of battery information, the dynamic information of the vehicle power battery can be mastered, so that the life cycle and use of the vehicle power battery can be realized. Efficiency is further improved. %K STM32,车用动力电池智能管理系统,SOC测定
STM32 %K Vehicle Power Battery Intelligent Management System %K SOC Determination %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=50191