%0 Journal Article %T CO氧化反应催化剂的研究进展
Research Progress of Catalysts in CO Oxidation %A 白鸽 %J Advances in Material Chemistry %P 36-42 %@ 2331-0146 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AMC.2022.102006 %X 本文主要讨论了用于CO催化氧化反应的催化剂,从金属氧化物催化剂,贵金属催化剂和单原子催化剂三个方面进行介绍。金属氧化物催化剂对CO氧化反应有一定的催化活性,但催化活性不高;相比于金属氧化物催化剂,贵金属催化剂的催化活性更好,但金属利用率不高,造成资源浪费;单原子催化剂的出现有效地解决了上述问题,为CO氧化反应的高效进行提供了基础。
This paper mainly discusses the catalysts used for CO catalytic oxidation, from three aspects: metal oxide catalysts, noble metal catalysts and single-atom catalysts. Metal oxide catalysts have a cer-tain catalytic activity for CO oxidation, but the catalytic activity is low; compared with metal oxide catalysts, noble metal catalysts have better catalytic activity, but the metal utilization rate is low, resulting in waste of resources. The emergence of single-atom catalysts effectively solves the above problems and provides a basis for the efficient CO oxidation reaction. %K CO氧化,金属氧化物催化剂,贵金属催化剂,单原子催化剂
CO Oxidation %K Metal Oxide Catalysts %K Noble Metal Catalysts %K Single-Atom Catalysts %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=50165