%0 Journal Article %T 板式换热器在供热系统中结垢处理及效果分析
Scale Treatment and Effect Analysis of Plate Heat Exchanger in Heating System %A 李响 %A 刘峰 %A 刘张 %J Advances in Energy and Power Engineering %P 11-18 %@ 2328-0506 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AEPE.2022.102002 %X 板式换热器作为工业生产中常用的热交换器,一旦出现结垢现象,就很容易形成堵塞,进而降低换热效率。本文以华电青岛热力有限公司四机医院换热站1号机组为研究对象,分析得出板式换热器结垢是导致其供热不达标率的主要原因,列举了两种板式换热器的清洗方法并进行了对比评估,最终采用化学清洗的方法通过对换热器进行拆洗除垢操作。经除垢后,1号机组每日用电量下降约100 kW?h,供热不达标率从5.4‰降至4.0‰。本研究以期能够为降低供热系统中供热不达标率提供解决方案。
As a common heat exchanger in industrial industry, the plate heat exchanger is easy to form block-age once scaling phenomenon occurs, thereby reducing heat exchange efficiency. Taking Unit 1 of the heat exchange station in Siji Hospital of Huadian Qingdao Thermal Energy Co., Ltd. as the re-search object, this paper analyzed that the scaling of the plate heat exchanger is the main reason for the substandard rate of heat supply. Two different cleaning methods of the plate heat exchanger were compared and evaluated, and finally adopted the chemical cleaning method to remove the scale of the heat exchanger. After descaling, the daily power consumption of Unit 1 decreased by about 100 kW?h, and the substandard heating rate decreased from 5.4‰ to 4.0‰, so as to provide solutions for reducing the substandard rate in the heating system. %K 板式换热器,供热系统,不达标率,除垢方法,效果分析
Plate Heat Exchanger %K Heating System %K Substandard Rate %K Scale Treatment %K Effect Analysis %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=50058