%0 Journal Article %T Research on the Impact of RCEP on China¡¯s Manufacturing Output and Trade: Based on GTAP Simulation %A Dan Ling %A Caiyun Lv %J iBusiness %P 41-55 %@ 2150-4083 %D 2022 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ib.2022.142004 %X The signing of RCEP is a milestone for regional economic integration in East Asia. This paper aims to seize the opportunities brought by RCEP to China¡¯s manufacturing industry and promote the high-quality development of China¡¯s manufacturing industry. Therefore, the paper sets up three simulation scenarios, uses GTAP10 to simulate the impact of RCEP on China¡¯s subdivided manufacturing industry, and further explores the impact of RCEP on China¡¯s manufacturing industry with different technical levels. The results show that: 1) The reduction of intra-regional trade costs under tariff concessions will promote the increase of output, import and export trade in most of the manufacturing sectors in China; 2) When the tariff is zero, it will obviously promote the import and export of low-tech and medium-high-tech industries in the region. In order to better grasp the benefits of RCEP, we need national policy support and the improvement of the core competitiveness of enterprises. %K RCEP %K China¡¯s Manufacturing %K GTAP %K Tariff Concession %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=117057