%0 Journal Article %T New Copper (II), Palladium (II), and Platinum (II) 2-Acetylpyrazine Tert-Butylthiosemicarbazone Complexes: Inhibition of Human Topoisomerase II¦Á and Activity against Breast Cancer Cells %A Edward C. Lisic %A Sarah N. Grossarth %A Sarah B. Bowman %A Jessica L. Hill %A Michael W. Beck %A Joseph E. Deweese %A Xiaohua Jiang %J Open Journal of Medicinal Chemistry %P 1-13 %@ 2164-313X %D 2022 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojmc.2022.121001 %X The new ligand, 2-acetylpyrazine-tertbutylthiosemicarbazone (APZ-tBTSC), and its Cu(II), Pd(II) and Pt(II) complexes have been synthesized. This ligand coordinates to the metal ions in a tridentate monoanionic fashion forming monometallic complexes with the formula [M(APZ-tBTSC)Cl]. The ligand and the three metal complexes [Cu(APZ-tBTSC)Cl], [Pd(APZ-tBTSC)Cl], and [Pt(APZ-tBTSC)Cl] were tested for anti-proliferative biological behavior with a panel of seven microbes, and the copper and palladium complexes were found to be highly active against Gram positive bacteria. The 4 compounds were also tested in human topoisomerase II¦Á DNA relaxation assays and all three metal complexes had topoisomerase inhibition at a concentration between 4 - 6 micro-molar. The 4 compounds were also tested for activity with the HEK293T cell line and also the breast cell cancer line, MDA-MB-231. The most effective compound for activity against the HEK293T cell line was the [Cu(APZ-tBTSC)Cl] complex, and the MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell line was the [Pt(APZ-tBTSC)Cl] complex. %K Topoisomerase %K Breast Cancer %K ¦Á-(N)-Heterocyclic Thiosemicarbazones %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=117703