%0 Journal Article
%T 基于自然语言处理的单细胞转录组数据伪时间分析
Pseudo-Time Analysis of Single-Cell Transcriptome Data Based on Natural Language Processing
%A 卢雨儿
%A 胡桓
%A 陈玲玲
%A 程烽
%A 帅建伟
%A 林海
%J Biophysics
%P 31-38
%@ 2330-1694
%D 2022
%I Hans Publishing
%R 10.12677/BIPHY.2022.102004
For single-cell transcriptome
sequencing data, various powerful analytical models and processing algorithms
have been proposed for cell clustering, cell type recognition, cell pseudo-time
trajectory inference, cellular RNA dynamics, gene regulatory network inference,
and RNA velocity analysis. This paper
proposes an innovative approach to introducing natural language processing techniques
into single-cell transcriptome data analysis. The algorithm first uses TF-IDF
to indicate the degree of influence of transcriptome gene expression intensity
on cell function, and further innovatively treats the various gene expression
changes formed by the process of cell evolution and development as various
sentence texts in natural language. Then, the natural language text analysis
can be applied for the processing of evolutionary development of single-cell
transcriptomes. Various gene sequence texts are generated by random walking
process on the gene network, which generates the embedded word vector
representation of genes and the embedded word vector representation of cells in
the gene space, respectively. Finally, the pseudo-time visual analysis is
considered for the single-cell transcriptome data. The final analysis results
show that this model is an effective method for pseudo-time analysis of cell
development for single-cell data.
%K 单细胞测序,伪时间轨迹推断,自然语言处理,基因组学
Single-Cell Sequencing
%K Pseudo-Time Trajectory Inference
%K Natural Language Processing
%K Genomics
%U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=52057