%0 Journal Article %T 大面积脑梗死单纯减容治疗6例报告
Treating Massive Cerebral Infarction with Simple Decompression Technique—A Report on 6 Cases %A 陶志强 %J International Journal of Psychiatry and Neurology %P 7-13 %@ 2166-580X %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/IJPN.2022.112002 %X 目的:探讨更有效治疗大面积脑梗死恶性脑水肿的外科方法。方法:选择超时间窗或取栓失败、保守治疗过程中预期发生恶性脑水肿的病例,使用充分内减压而保全颅骨的方法。结果:6例患者全部存活出院。没有一例发生硬膜下积液等常见的术后并发症。在9个月的随访期内,6例患者5例存活。1例患者能自行走动。结论:大面积脑梗死恶性脑水肿的患者,用单纯内减压方法处理,存活率高,并发症少,值得推荐。
Objective: To explore a more effective surgical method for the treatment of malignant cerebral edema in massive cerebral infarction. Methods: The patients with malignant cerebral edema due to exceeding the time or failure of thrombectomy and conservative treatment were selected to use sufficient internal decompression and preserve their skull. Results: All 6 patients survived and were discharged. There were no common postoperative complications such as subdural effusion. During the 9-month follow-up period, 5 of 6 patients survived. One patient was able to walk around. Conclusion: For patients with malignant cerebral edema caused by massive cerebral infarction, simple internal decompression is recommended with a high survival rate and few complications. %K 大面积脑梗死,恶性脑水肿,恶性大脑中动脉梗死,内减压,大骨瓣减压
Massive Cerebral Infarction %K Malignant Cerebral Edema %K Malignant Middle Cerebral Artery Infarction %K Internal Decompression %K Large Bone Flap Decompression %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=51836