%0 Journal Article %T 圈养环境下小熊猫紫色杆菌疾病诊断和防治
Diagnosis and Control of Purple Bacillus Disease in Red Pandas in Captivity %A 吕亚奎 %A 刘辉 %A 彭霄鹏 %A 王堃 %A 刘敏 %A 李其宇 %A 刘进 %A 朱渺也 %A 王旭 %J Asian Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine %P 9-15 %@ 2169-8902 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ACRPVM.2022.112002 %X
通过对6例成年小熊猫(Ailurus fulgens)发病后的临床特征、死后剖检、病理组织形态学观察以及细菌培养和分离鉴定,发现小熊猫四肢均有不同程度的外伤,脚垫处有黄豆大小的溃疡灶,肝脏质脆易碎,布满粟米样白色坏死灶。疾病初始发生时单独注射头孢哌酮、头孢曲松治疗的小熊猫未见成效,其中5只陆续在6天内连续死亡,病死率达到83.3%。组织病理切片并进行瑞氏染色发现,肝脏和脾脏触片中均见有杆状细菌,多个杆菌排列成条状。从肝脏和脾脏组织中取样接种于血琼板培养小菌落,通过PCR进行细菌16S基因扩增并测序,对比结果显示该杆状细菌为紫色杆菌。通过药敏实验选择肌肉注射头孢哌酮钠舒巴坦钠联合阿米卡星,肌肉注射治疗间隔三天后口服复方新诺明,最终,成功治疗1只紫色杆菌感染病例,目前存活良好,各项体况指标均正常。
Six adult red pandas (
Ailurus fulgens) were identified by clinical features, post-mortem autopsy, pathological histomorphological observations and bacterial culture and isolation after the onset of the disease. The red pandas were found to have varying degrees of trauma to the extremities, with soya-sized ulcerative foci on the foot pads and a brittle, friable liver covered with corn-like white necrotic foci. Five of the red pandas treated with cefoperazone and ceftriaxone alone at the initial onset of the disease were unsuccessful, and five of them died consecutively over a period of six days, resulting in a mortality rate of 83.3%. Histopathological sections with Wright’s stain revealed rod-shaped bacteria in both liver and spleen palpations, with multiple rods arranged in strips. Samples from liver and spleen tissues were inoculated on blood agar plates, small colonies were cultured, and the bacterial 16S gene was amplified and sequenced by PCR, with comparative results showing that the rod-shaped bacterium was a purple bacterium. Cefoperazone sodium sulbactam combined with amikacin was selected for intramuscular injection by drug sensitivity test, and cotrimoxazole was given orally three days after the intramuscular injection treatment. Finally, one case of Mycobacterium purple infection was successfully treated and is now surviving well with normal body condition indicators.
%K 小熊猫,紫色杆菌,圈养,疾病
Red Panda %K Purple Bacillus %K Captivity %K Disease %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=51704