%0 Journal Article %T Low-Carbon Development of Livestock in China: Evolution, Predicaments and Paths Ahead %A Shuai Ma %A Zhenzhen Chen %J Low Carbon Economy %P 53-69 %@ 2158-7019 %D 2022 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/lce.2022.132004 %X Livestock production is an important source of carbon emissions, and the low-carbon transformation of the livestock sector is a critical path to achieving sustainable development of the global economy and society. China is one of the most important livestock-producing countries in the world, so it is necessary to study the evolution and predicaments of low-carbon development in the livestock sector and put forward a scientific and reasonable emission reduction path. Our study first describes the development process of the low-carbon livestock sector in China and calculates the carbon emissions of the livestock sector from 2000 to 2019. It is found that carbon emissions from China¡¯s livestock sector show a trend of increasing and then decreasing continuously from 2000 to 2019, which has a great potential for emission reduction. Then the predicament of low-carbon development of the livestock sector in China is put forward. Finally, from the perspectives of the government, livestock farmers, enterprises, the public, and other social institutions, a multi-subject collaborative mechanism is constructed, and corresponding implementation paths are designed, to provide theoretical support and suggestions for accelerating the low-carbon transformation of the livestock sector in China. %K Low Carbon %K Livestock Sector %K Carbon Emission %K Emission Reduction Path %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=117956