%0 Journal Article %T DXD系列包装机制袋控制系统设计
Design of Bag-Making Control System of DXD Series Packaging Machine %A 王敬礼 %A 丁金华 %J Dynamical Systems and Control %P 92-103 %@ 2325-6761 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/DSC.2022.113011 %X 为了提高DXDL60c型包装拉袋精度,保证拉袋平稳性。根据包装机系统组成和制袋流程,采用STM32作为主控制器,触摸屏作为上位机,设计硬件电路,分析拉袋电机与主电机的动作时序及速度匹配,采用梯形加减速算法应用于包装机拉袋,编写算法程序,完成系统控制程序设计。经试验验证,采用的加减速算法能够快速精确地控制拉袋过程的每一个脉冲频率,没有累积误差和失步现象存在,能够实现拉袋控制并提升了其精度。
In order to improve the accuracy of DXDL60c-type packaging bags, to ensure the stability of the bags, according to the composition of the packaging machine system and the bag-making process, STM32 is used as the main controller and the touch screen as the upper computer machine. The hardware circuit is designed and analyzes the action sequence and speed matching between the bagging motor and the main motor. The trapezoidal acceleration and deceleration algorithm is applied to the packaging machine, writes the algorithm program, and completes the system control program. After the test, the acceleration and deceleration algorithm can quickly and accurately control each pulse frequency of the bagging process, without cumulative error and loss of step, which can realize the bagging control and improve its accuracy. %K DXD系列包装机,STM32,触摸屏,梯形加减速
DXD Series Packaging Machine %K STM32 %K Touch Screen %K Trapezoidal Acceleration and Deceleration %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=53233