%0 Journal Article %T 艾滋病患者肠道原虫感染情况研究进展
Progress on the Infection of Intestinal Protozoa in HIV/AIDS Population %A 周厉雨婷 %A 赵乃睿 %A 阳伊蕾 %A 赵威 %J Advances in Microbiology %P 119-128 %@ 2327-0829 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AMB.2022.112014 %X 人类免疫缺陷病毒与肠道原虫共感染不仅加重原虫感染症状,而且促进HIV感染者艾滋病疾病进程。在一些HIV高流行的国家或地区,HIV/AIDS合并肠道原虫感染仍是一个被忽视的公共卫生问题,且其危害性往往被低估,我国针对HIV和肠道原虫共感染方面也存在研究数量少和研究涉及的地理范围窄的现象。本文就HIV人群中隐孢子虫(Cryptosporidium spp.)、溶组织内阿米巴(Entamoeba histolytica)、卡耶塔环孢子虫(Cyclospora cayetanensis)、毕氏肠微孢子虫(Enterocytozoon bieneusi)和芽囊原虫(Blastocystis spp.) 5种肠道原虫感染情况进行综述,以期为预防和控制HIV/AIDS患者的肠道原虫感染提供参考。
Co-infection of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) with intestinal parasites not only exacerbates symptoms of the protozoa infection, but also promotes the process of AIDS disease in people infected with HIV. In some countries or regions with high HIV prevalence, HIV/AIDS combined with intestinal plasma infection is still a neglected public health problem, and its harm is often underestimated. There are also a small number of studies and a narrow geographical range involved in the co-infection of HIV and intestinal parasites in China. In this paper, the prevalence of Cryptosporidium spp., Entamoeba histolyticain, Cyclospora cayetanensis, Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Blastocystis hominis in humans infected with HIV from China were reviewed. The data will provide a reference for preventing and controlling the infection of intestinal protozoa in HIV/AIDS patients. %K 肠道原虫,HIV,感染率
Intestinal Protozoa %K HIV %K Prevalence %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=53143