%0 Journal Article %T 等效配重法在涡扇发动机风扇转子平衡中的应用
Application of Equivalent Counterweight Method in Rotor Balancing of Turbofan Engines %A 李汉青 %A 杜红喜 %A 张科夫 %A 李俊 %A 陶杰 %J Open Journal of Acoustics and Vibration %P 19-24 %@ 2328-0522 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJAV.2022.102003 %X 为提高某型航空发动机风扇转子动平衡效率,采用等效配重法对风扇转子平衡进行优化。本文以刚性转子叠加系数法为基础,优化风扇转子平衡方法。实验证明优化后方案对提高风扇转子动平衡效率有明显改进。采用该工艺完成的风扇转子已随发动机进行试车检验并通过项目鉴定。
In order to improve the dynamic balance efficiency of the fan rotor of aircraft engine, the equivalent counterweight method is used to optimize the fan rotor balance. Based on the rigid rotor superposition coefficient method, this paper optimizes the fan rotor balancing method. Experimental results show that the optimized scheme has significantly improved the dynamic balance efficiency of the fan rotor. The fan rotor completed with this process has been tested with the engine and passed the project qualification. %K 航空发动机,动平衡,等效配重,风扇转子
Aero Engines %K Dynamic Balance %K Equivalent Counterweight %K Fan Rotor %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=53140