%0 Journal Article %T 基于球面近场的天线测量系统设计
Design of Antenna Measurement System Based on Spherical Near-Field %A 张薇 %J Journal of Electrical Engineering %P 124-133 %@ 2333-5424 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JEE.2022.102014 %X 针对相控阵天线波束多,测试繁琐的问题,设计了天线测量系统,该测量系统主要由转台、半圆形支架、探头阵列、矢量网络分析仪等部分组成,基于球面近远场外推算法,综合考虑系统校准和误差分析,得到待测天线的远场方向图。经测试对比,采用标准远场测试系统的测试结果与本测量系统的测试结果高度吻合,验证了本测量系统的正确性和工程实用性。该测量系统设计简单、操作简便快捷,可以大大提高相控阵天线的测试效率。
To solve the problem that phased array antenna has many beams and its measurement is tedious, an antenna measurement system is designed in this paper. This measurement system is mainly composed of turntable, semicircular support, probe array and vector network analyzer. Based on the extrapolation algorithm of Spherical near-field to far-field, and considering the system calibration and errors, the far-field pattern is obtained. By comparison, the results of the standard far-field measurement system are highly consistent with the results of this measurement system, which verifies the correctness and engineering practicability of the measurement system. The measurement system operates simply and promptly, which can greatly improve the measurement efficiency of phased array antenna. %K 相控阵天线,天线测量,球面近场,测量系统
Phased Array Antenna %K Antenna Measurement %K Spherical Near-Field %K Measurement System %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=53056