%0 Journal Article %T 可见光波段宽带增透光学膜的研究
Study on Broadband Antireflection Optical Film in Visible Band %A 韦龙 %A 王惠 %A 施钧策 %A 丁可可 %A 马宇航 %A 李轩 %A 李再金 %A 曾丽娜 %A 李林 %A 乔忠良 %A 曲轶 %A 刘国军 %J Modern Physics %P 97-107 %@ 2161-0924 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MP.2022.124010 %X 本文提出一种基于不同实验条件下的镀膜研究方法,设计了可见光波段宽带增透膜。选择TiO2和MgF2为镀膜材料,通过TFCalc软件设计了380 nm~780 nm波段宽带增透膜(AR膜),并通过模拟仿真实验分析得到单层TiO2、MgF2薄膜各波段的折射率,以及不同中心波长、单层材料折射率误差和厚度误差、入射角变化对可见光波段宽带AR膜平均透过率(AT)的影响。结果表明:中心波长为610 nm,入射角小于50?,TiO2折射率偏差在?0.2~0,厚度偏差在?10~0 nm,MgF2折射率偏差在?0.1~0.1,厚度在?5 nm~5 nm之间变化时,可实现全波段平均透过率超过96%,为光学薄膜的研究提供了一种可参考的研究途径。
In this paper, a coating research method based on different experimental conditions is proposed, and a broadband antireflection film in visible light band is designed. TiO2 and MgF2 were selected as coating materials. The broadband antireflection film (AR film) in 380 nm~780 nm band was designed by TFCalc software. The refractive index of each band of single-layer TiO2 and MgF2 film, as well as the effects of different central wavelengths, refractive index error and thickness error of single-layer material and incident angle on the average transmittance (AT) of broadband AR film in visible band were analyzed through simulation experiments. The results show that when the central wavelength is 610nm, the incident angle is less than 50?, the refractive index deviation of TiO2 is ?0.2~0, the thickness deviation is ?10~0 nm, the refractive index deviation of MgF2 is ?0.1~0.1, and the thickness changes between ?5 nm~5 nm, the full band average transmittance can be more than 96%, which provides a reference research way for the research of optical films. %K 增透膜,光谱曲线,平均透过率,薄膜镀制,AR Coating %K Spectral Curve %K Average Transmittance %K Thin Film Plating %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=53406