%0 Journal Article %T 一种电泳漆废液预处理技术探讨
Discussion on a Technology for Treating Electrophoresis Paint Waste Liquid %A 朱海杰 %A 王振宇 %A 高东东 %A 彭帅帅 %A 王臣 %J Water pollution and treatment %P 95-100 %@ 2332-8029 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WPT.2022.103014 %X 电泳漆废液是在工程机械产品如汽车、家电等表面制造过程中所产生的工业废液,具有浓度高、可生化性差、成分复杂等特点。本文通过添加酸液,使废液中的有机物形成絮凝体,并采用气浮装置将絮凝体分离,分离后液相采用多级反应(芬顿催化氧化、酸碱中和、絮凝沉淀)的工艺来实现废液的预处理。
Electrophoretic paint waste liquid is the industrial waste liquid produced in the surface manufacturing process of construction machinery products such as automobiles and household appliances. It has the characteristics of high concentration, poor biodegradability and complex composition. In this paper, by adding acid liquid, the organic matter in the waste liquid forms flocs to achieve the effect of breaking the complex, and the flocs are separated by air floatation device. After separation, the waste liquid is treated safely by multistage reaction (Fenton Catalytic oxidation, acid-base neutralization, flocculation precipitation). %K 电泳漆废液,酸化–絮凝,气浮,催化氧化 %K Waste Liquid of Electrophoretic Paint %K Acidification-Flocculation %K Gas Floating %K Catalytic Oxidation %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=53262