%0 Journal Article %T 热轧带钢表面马蹄状起皮缺陷分析
Analysis on Horseshoe-Shaped Surface Upward Defects in Hot Rolled Steel Plate %A 张铭志 %A 张晓蒙 %J Metallurgical Engineering %P 149-154 %@ 2373-1486 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MEng.2022.93019 %X 近期公司生产的热轧带钢表面存在较多的非典型性“翘皮”的缺陷。结合其形貌特征,称之为“马蹄状起皮”,该类缺陷在冷轧后存在小起皮现象,数量较多时严重影响下游客户表面质量。为找到马蹄状起皮形成原因,针对缺陷进行了金相、电镜能谱以及铸坯质量的综合分析。确定该类缺陷为铸坯存在皮下裂纹导致。
Recently, there are many atypical upward defects on the surface of hot-rolled steel plates, which are produced by the company. The defects are called horseshoe-shaped upward in combination with morphological characteristics. Small upward will be found after cold-rolled, which affected the surface quality of downstream customers. In order to find out the reasons for the horseshoe-shaped upward, we are investigated by means of the microscope, electron microscope energy spectrum and slab quality. The results show that the reasons for the defects were the subcutaneous cracks in the slab. %K 马蹄状,皮下裂纹,高温氧化
Horseshoe-Shaped %K Subsurface Crack %K High Temperature Oxidation %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=54366