%0 Journal Article %T 中国跨境电商企业营销策略研究——以考拉海购为例
Research on Marketing Strategy of Chinese Cross-Border E-Commerce Enterprises—Based on Koala Shopping %A 徐昂 %A 梅燕 %J Modern Marketing %P 65-74 %@ 2160-7370 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MOM.2022.123008 %X 近些年,随着互联网与信息技术的快速发展,电子商务作为互联网技术的重要产物,其突破了时间与空间的壁垒,让人们更加便捷地随时随地进行交易,而跨境电商也随之繁荣发展,成为了电子商务的新起之秀。考拉海购作为以跨境进口业务为主的电商企业,凭借其特有的营销策略与运营模式,上线后快速成长为中国最大的自营跨境电商平台。本文以考拉海购为例,对其营销策略进行多角度分析,并对考拉海购乃至中国跨境电商企业的营销策略选择与制定提出相应的建议。
In recent years, with the rapid development of the Internet and information technology, e-commerce, as an important product of Internet technology, has broken through the barriers of time and space, allowing people to conduct transactions anytime and anywhere more conveniently, and cross-border e-commerce has followed suit. Prosperous and developed, has become a new star of e-commerce. As an e-commerce enterprise focusing on cross-border import business, Kaola Shopping has rapidly grown into the largest self-operated cross-border e-commerce platform in China with its unique marketing strategy and operation model. This paper takes Koala Shopping as an example, analyzes its marketing strategy from multiple perspectives, and puts forward corresponding suggestions for the selection and formulation of the marketing strategy of Kaola Shopping and even cross-border e-commerce enterprises of China. %K 考拉海购,跨境电商,营销策略,消费者
Koala Shopping %K Cross-Border E-Commerce %K Marketing Strategy %K Consumer %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=54506