%0 Journal Article %T 提高污水水质检测准确性及稳定性影响因素及措施浅析
A Brief Analysis of the Influencing Factors and Measures to Improve the Accuracy and Stability of Sewage Water Quality Testing %A 张璐 %J Water pollution and treatment %P 113-118 %@ 2332-8029 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WPT.2022.103017 %X 水资源与人类的生产生活直接相关,水资源的污染问题是社会关注的热点,近年来,生态环境问题愈发严峻,水资源污染问题愈发突出。污水水质检测结果可为污水处理提供决策依据,确保污水水质稳定达标排放,是预防水污染的重要组成部分。由于受到多种因素的影响,导致污水检测过程中存在着误差,从而不能提供可靠监测数据,因此提高污水检测的准确性和稳定性是对污水检测的基本要求,对水资源污染处理事业有着重要的意义。本文列举了影响水质检测的可能因素,分析了污水水质检测的误差来源,并探讨了提高污水水质检测的准确性和稳定性的措施。
Water resources and human production and life is directly related, water pollution is a hot spot of social concern, in recent years, the ecological environment problems have become more and more severe, water pollution problems have become more prominent. The results of sewage water quality testing can provide a decision-making basis for sewage treatment, and ensure that the sewage water quality is stable and discharged according to standards, which is an important part of preventing water pollution. Due to the influence of a variety of factors, resulting in errors in the process of sewage detection, so that reliable monitoring data can not be provided, so improving the accuracy and stability of sewage detection is the basic requirement for sewage testing, and it is of great significance to the cause of water pollution treatment. This paper lists the possible factors affecting water quality testing, analyzes the sources of error in sewage water quality testing, and discusses measures to improve the accuracy and stability of sewage water quality testing. %K 污水,水质检测,准确性,稳定性,Sewage %K Water Quality Detection %K Accuracy %K Stability %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=53421