%0 Journal Article %T 旋转光力系统中光的响应——非互换性
Optical Response of Rotating Optomechanical System—Nonreciprocity %A 李晓霞 %A 程绪信 %A 李广安 %J Modern Physics %P 108-114 %@ 2161-0924 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MP.2022.124011 %X 本文分析了腔光力学系统中的探测光的传输特性,此系统由旋转的双模腔和一个力学振子构成,当驱动场从左方或右方传输时,考虑萨格纳克效应对探测场响应的影响。通过研究透射谱,发现光在传输过程中表现出非互换行为。我们期望该方案在信息处理和光通讯方面有一定的应用。
We analyzed the optical transmission of the optomechanical system, which consists of rotating doublemode cavities and a mechanical resonator. When it is drived by a strong field from the left side or the right side, the probe optical response is considered under the Sagnac effect. For the spectrum of the output field, it shows the nonreciprocal transmission behavior. We expect that this scheme may be applicable in information processing and optical communication in the future. %K 二次谐振,光力学系统,非互换性,Second Harmonic %K Optomechanical System %K Nonreciprocity %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=54227