%0 Journal Article %T 玉夫膏在足部外伤难愈合创面修复中的应用
Aplication of Yufu Cream in the Repair of Refractory Wounds of Foot Trauma %A 冯亚高 %A 惠连旺 %A 杨小冬 %A 刘鸿舒 %J Hans Journal of Surgery %P 88-94 %@ 2168-5576 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/HJS.2022.113015 %X 目的:观察应用玉夫膏在足部外伤难愈合创面修复中的临床效果。方法:足部难愈合创面15例,其中足背皮肤缺损肌腱外露6例,足跟部3例,跟腱外露3例,第一跖趾关节外露1例,趾蹼间创面1例,前足外侧创面伴第五跖趾关节外露1例。对15例足部难愈合创面均应用玉夫膏进行局部换药,每日更换1次,直至愈合。结果:15例足部难愈合创面经玉夫膏换药全部愈合,愈合时间最短11天,最长127天。经随访6个月~24个月,平均11个月,所有创面愈合良好,外观平整,不臃肿,局部无明显疼痛和增生性瘢痕,愈合皮肤柔软,有弹性,色素沉着不明显。结论:应用玉夫膏局部换药是修复足部外伤难愈合创面的一种简单、有效的方法。
Objective: To observe the clinical effect of Yufu cream on repair of refractory wounds in foot. Methods: 15 cases with refractory wounds in foot after trauma, including 6 cases of dorsal skin defect tendon exposure, 3 cases of heel tendon exposure, 1 case of first metaltarsal joint exposure, 1 case of interweb wound, 1 case of lateral anterior foot wound with fifth metatarsal joint exposure .all wounds were treated with Yufu cream for local dressing change 1 times every day until they healed. Results: All 15 cases of wounds were healed. The shortest healing time was 11 days and the longest time was 127 days. After follow-up for 6 months to 24 months (mean 11 months), all the wounds healed well, the appearance was smooth, not bloated, there was no obvious pain and hypertrophic scar, the regenerated skin was soft, elastic and the pigmentation was not evident. Conclusion: Local dressing change with Yufu cream is a simple and effective method for repairing refractory wound of foot trauma. %K 足,玉服膏,创面,修复,创伤
Foot %K Yufu Cream %K Wound %K Repair %K Trauma %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=54209