%0 Journal Article %T 不同规格钝缀锦蛤(Tapes conspersus)数量性状的相关性和通径分析
Correlation and Path Analysis of Qualitative Traits of Different Sizes of Tapes conspersus %A 连昌朋 %A 杨凌 %A 王超奇 %A 刘一鸣 %A 李胜永 %A 吴韬 %A 潘英 %J Open Journal of Fisheries Research %P 95-104 %@ 2373-1451 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJFR.2022.93011 %X 为了确定钝缀锦蛤(Tapes conspersus)不同规格形态性状与质量性状的关系以及钝缀锦蛤室内、海区中培及亲本的选择提供策略,本研究随机选取了钝缀锦蛤2月龄室内中培规格、5月龄海区中培规格各220个样本,15月龄海区养成规格158个样本,对壳长(SL)、壳宽(SW)、壳高(SH)以及体质量(W)进行了相关测量,并运用相关分析、通径分析和多元回归分析等方法研究影响体质量的因素。相关性的分析结果显示,钝缀锦蛤不同规格数量性状之间的相关性都是极显著水平(P < 0.01)。通径分析结果表明,稚贝室内中培阶段,每项形态性状对体质量的影响程度不同,依次为壳长 > 壳高 > 壳宽,对体质量影响最大的是壳长(0.481),最小的是壳宽(0.189);稚贝海区中培阶段,每项形态性状对体质量的影响程度不同,依次为壳长 > 壳宽 > 壳高,对体质量影响最大的是壳长(0.643),最小的是壳高(0.070);海区养成阶段,每项形态性状对体质量的影响程度不同,依次为壳高 > 壳宽 > 壳长,对体质量影响最大的是壳高(0.448),最小的是壳长(0.225),通径分析结果的变化和决定系数结果一致。通过多元回归的方法,构建了钝缀锦蛤室内中培规格贝、海区中培规格贝、海区养成规格贝形态性状对体质量的回归方程,室内中培规格贝:W2 = ?0.216 + 0.018SL + 0.02SW + 0.015SH,R2 = 0.858;海区中培规格贝:W5 = ?0.745 + 0.057SL + 0.063SW,R2 = 0.926;海区养成规格贝:W15 = ?170.436 + 0.914SL + 2.099SW + 2.245SH,R2 = 0.922。本研究结果为钝缀锦蛤人工选育、种贝的选择提供一定的理论依据。
In order to determine the relationship between morphological traits and quality traits of different sizes of T. conspersus, and to provide strategies for indoor and sea farming and parent selection of T. conspersus, we randomly selected 220 samples of T. conspersus from indoor medium farming size of 2-month age and from sea area medium farming size of 5-month age, and 158 samples of T. conspersus from sea area farming size of 15-month age. The shell length (SL), shell width (SW), shell height (SH), and body weight (W) were measured. Correlation analysis, path analysis, and multiple regression analysis were used to study the factors affecting body weight. Correlation analysis results show that the correlation between the quantitative traits of different specifications of the T. conspersus is extremely significant (P < 0.01). The results of path analysis showed that the influence degree of each morphological trait on body weight was different in indoor medium farming, and the order was shell length > shell height > shell width. The biggest influence on body weight was shell length (0.481), and the smallest was shell width (0.189). The results of the analysis showed that the influence degree of each morphological trait on body weight was different in the sea area medium farming, and the order was shell length > shell width > shell height. The biggest influence on body weight was shell length (0.643), and the smallest was shell height (0.070). The results of the analysis showed that the influence degree of each morphological trait on body weight was different in the sea area farming, and the order was shell height > shell width > shell length. The biggest influence on body weight was shell height (0.448), and the smallest was shell length (0.225), the change of path %K 钝缀锦蛤,规格,形态性状,质量性状,相关分析,通径分析,多元回归分析
Tapes conspersus %K Size %K Morphological Trait %K Qualitative Trait %K Correlation Analysis %K Path Analysis %K Multivariate Regression Analysis %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=54983