%0 Journal Article %T 冷轧断带保护功能的优化设计与改进
Optimization Design and Improvement of Breaking Protection Function of Cold Rolling Mill %A 赵海斌 %A 王春睿 %A 薛士然 %J Metallurgical Engineering %P 193-197 %@ 2373-1486 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MEng.2022.93024 %X 在轧制薄规格冷轧带材过程中,由于裂边、板型,张力波动等原因,容易发生断带。高速轧机发生断带后,因机架辊缝内堆积大量钢带造成轧辊粘钢。本文从实际应用出发,通过优化设计轧机自动化和液压系统,可以加快断带处理响应时间,在断带后快速打开辊缝,避免造成轧辊粘钢,缠辊等事故。实际应用效果表明,该方法能够有效降低断带对轧辊和机架内设备损坏,缩短断带处理时间,提高了生产效率,降低设备维护成本。
In the process of rolling thin steel strips, due to edge cracking, plate shape and tension fluctuation, it is easy to cause strip breaking. As for strip breaking in a high-speed rolling mill, due to the accumulation of a lot of steel strips in the roll gap of the mill, the steel sticks to the rolls. In the article, starting from the practical application, by optimizing the design of rolling mill automation and hydraulic system, we can speed up the response time of strip breaking treatment and quickly open the roll gap after strip breaking, and avoid accidents such as roll sticking and winding. The practical application results show that this method can effectively reduce the damage to rolls and equipment in the mill, shorten the treatment time of strip breaking, improve production efficiency and reduce equipment maintenance costs. %K 冷轧机,断带检测,轧辊粘钢,断带保护
Cold Rolling Mill %K Strip Breaking Detection %K Roll Sticking %K Strip Breaking Protection %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=55108