%0 Journal Article %T Importance of LV Venting after ECMO Implantation in Post-Cardiotomy Syndrome: A Case Report %A Vusal Hajiyev %A Temirlan Erkenov %A Elgun Hajiyev %A Alexander Bauer %A Andreas Smechowski %A Seymur Musayev %A Dirk Fritzsche %J World Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery %P 196-199 %@ 2164-3210 %D 2022 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/wjcs.2022.129016 %X Prolonged cardiorespiratory support can be achieved with ECMO that may provide time for myocardial recovery, prevent multiorgan dysfunction and reduce mortality. Left ventricle (LV) distension can worsen already distended and hypocontractile heart. Early recognition and aggressive management of LV distension are essential for the treatment of patients with low cardiac output. The case report presented intends to show advantages of left ventricular venting on ECMO after post-cardiotomy shock. With direct flow measurements on bypass-grafts before and after the vent implantation, it was possible to clearly demonstrate the importance of venting for myocardial perfusion. %K Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) %K Left Ventricle Vent %K Cardiac Distension %K Post-Cardiotomy Syndrome %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=119794