%0 Journal Article %T 典型战术动作对空气呼吸器耗气速率和救援人员心率的影响
Effect of Typical Tactical Movements on Consumption Rate of Air Respirator and Heart Rate of Fire and Rescue Personnel %A 李伟东 %A 张建福 %A 李玉 %J Journal of Security and Safety Technology %P 71-77 %@ 2330-4685 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JSST.2022.103009 %X 选取平地负重行进、抬担架救人、低姿搜救、受限空间行进、负重登楼五种典型的战术动作,研究了不同动作下空气呼吸器耗气速率和消防救援人员心率的变化规律。结果发现:紧急情况下空气呼吸器的耗气量更多,测试者的心率升高速度更快。其中,在进行平地负重行进和负重登楼动作时,测试者分别在37 s和26 s时达到最大心率,约132 BMP和178 BMP。另外,进行低姿搜救时,心率增加速度最慢。测试者心率随战术动作的进行均呈现先迅速升高后趋于平缓的规律。本研究可为消防救援人员在不同灾害事故现场中空气呼吸器的实际使用提供理论指导。
The consumption rate of respirators and heart rate of fire and rescue personnel were studied under different typical tactical movements, such as moving with heavy load on flat ground, carrying stretchers to save people, rescuing maintaining a low profile, moving in limited space, and climbing with a heavy load. The results showed that the emergency ventilator used more air and the participants’ heart rates increased faster than normal, reaching their maximum heart rate at 37 seconds for moving with a heavy load on flat ground and 26 seconds for climbing with a heavy load, the maximum values were 132 BMP and 178 BMP, respectively. In addition, the increase rate was slowest when rescuing maintains a low profile. The heart rate of all the subjects increased rapidly at first and then leveled off with the progress of tactical movements. This study provides theoretical guidance for the actual use of air breathing apparatus in fire scenes. %K 战术动作,空气呼吸器,耗气速率,心率分析,Tactical Movements %K Air Breathing Apparatus %K Air Consumption Rate %K Heart Rate Analysis %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=56119