%0 Journal Article %T 《语言学名词(2011)》辨析
Analysis of Chinese Terms in Linguistics (2011) %A 杨铭辰 %A 杨福义 %J Interdisciplinary Science Letters %P 55-61 %@ 2574-416X %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ISL.2022.63007 %X 本文在学习《语言学名词(2011)》后,对书中出现一些值得讨论的问题,进行了思考与分析。列举了术语英文翻译、民族术语编辑、术语审定协调、漏收和术语重复定义等问题。指出了在术语工作中建立完整的学科概念框架体系的重要性。寄希望在语言学名词的修订工作中适应大数据和网络化的新形势的需要,把语言学名词的修订工作做得更好,满足科技工作者的术语学习、应用和研究的需要。
After Chinese Terms in Linguistics (2011), this paper ponders and analyzes some problems worthy of discussion in the book. The problems of English translation of terms, editing of national terms, coordination of terms examination and approval, omission and repeated definition of terms are listed. The importance of establishing a complete conceptual framework of the subject in terminol-ogy work is pointed out. It is hoped that the revision of linguistic terms can meet the needs of the new situation of big data and networking, do a better job in the revision of linguistic terms, and meet the needs of scientific and technological workers in terms learning, application and research. %K 语言学名词,术语,学科概念体系框架
Linguistic Terms %K Terms %K Conceptual Framework of the Discipline %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=56209