%0 Journal Article %T 新零售模式下烟草行业全产业链数据采集与集成方法研究
Under the New Retail Model Research on the Data Collection and Integration Method of the Whole Industry Chain of the Tobacco Industry %A 李中华 %A 刘亚龙 %A 杜预 %A 周家贤 %A 郭梁 %A 蒲雪松 %J Modern Marketing %P 81-88 %@ 2160-7370 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MOM.2022.124010 %X 烟草工商企业经过多年的协同发展,共同面向消费者营销模式在不断深化和变化,因为工业企业和商业企业在各自掌握的生产与消费信息不全问题,商业企业掌握了大量消费者的行为数据,工业企业掌握生产与消费者基本信息,没有实现整体信息的有效整合,导致在协同营销消费者环节深度不足,无法实现精准营销。本文主要分析了生产流程产生的一些问题与解决方法,探讨了如何利用新的数据流程框架和实际的技术对烟草生产到消费数据进行采集与集成。可以促使烟草流程信息一体化,为精准营销提供数据支持。
After years of coordinated development of tobacco industrial and commercial enterprises, the common consumer marketing model is constantly deepening and changing. Because of the insufficiency of production and consumption information of industrial enterprises and commercial enterprises, commercial enterprises have mastered a large number of consumer behavior data, and industrial enterprises have mastered the basic information of production and consumers, and have not realized the effective integration of the overall information. As a result, the depth of collaborative marketing for consumers is insufficient, unable to achieve precision marketing. This paper mainly analyzes some problems and solutions of the production process, and discusses how to use the data collection and integration of the new data process framework and practical technology for tobacco production to consumption data. It can promote the integration of tobacco process information and provide data support for precision marketing. %K 工商企业,流程框架采集与整合,信息一体化
Industrial and Commercial Enterprises %K Process Framework Collection and Integration %K Information Integration %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=57397