%0 Journal Article %T 元宇宙——数字化转型的未来出口
Metaverse—Future Export of Digital Transformation %A 樊森 %A 录天凤 %A 景浩盟 %A 宋涛 %A 李海花 %J Interdisciplinary Science Letters %P 63-71 %@ 2574-416X %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ISL.2022.64008 %X 元宇宙作为综合概念体,容纳了区块链、人工智能、AR/VR等热点技术,凭借虚实融合的理念,推动着物理世界各产业的数字化转型,并在寻求新的增量空间及推动数字经济发展上显示了巨大潜力。基于此,本文概述了国内外元宇宙发展现状,重点总结了国内地方政府布局元宇宙的三类模式,并提出了元宇宙“工”型技术框架模型,同时从理论层面剖析了元宇宙对物理世界要素重构方面的影响,最后介绍了当前部分行业元宇宙化的场景应用并给出了未来元宇宙发展应当关注的三个重点,为后续元宇宙产业化融合的探索提供理论基础。
Metaverse, which is a comprehensive concept, contained a lot of emerging technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, AR/VR. Characterized by virtualization, Metaverse is promoting the digital transformation of various industries, and shows great potential in exploring new incre-mental space and promoting the development of digital economy. Based on this, this paper summa-rized the current situation of Metaverse at home and abroad, and summed up the three modes of the measures taken by local governments in China, and put forward a technical framework model of Metaverse. At the same time, it analyzed the influence of Metaverse on the reconstruction of physi-cal world elements from a theoretical version. Finally, it introduced the scenario application of Metaverse in some industries and gave three key points that should be paid attention to in the fu-ture development of Metaverse. It provided the theoretical basis for the exploration of the integra-tion of Metaverse industrialization in the future. %K 元宇宙,数字化转型,数字经济
Metaverse %K Digital Transformation %K Digital Economy %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=57479