%0 Journal Article %T A Case of Two Cardiac Arrests in a Pregnant Woman with Severe Covid-19 Pneumonia %A Ravshan Ibadov %A Hilola Alimova %A Gavhar Voitova %A Sardor Ibragimov %J Open Journal of Emergency Medicine %P 168-175 %@ 2332-1814 %D 2022 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojem.2022.104015 %X Background: COVID-19 pneumonia increases the risk for pregnant women and the fetuses that often require intensive therapy. In addition to obvious therapeutic targets, ICU staff has to control the psycho-emotional conditions of COVID-19 patients, e.g. intensive care unit syndrome and post-intensive care syndrome. Case presentation: Patient M., Uzbek, 24 years old, gravida 1 (27 weeks) was admitted to the Maternity Department of Zangiota hospital on 19.07.2021 with the diagnosis of extremely severe COVID-19 pneumonia and respiratory failure with psychomotor agitation. On day 4 her general condition deteriorated due to the progression of pneumonia and involvement of abdominal organs associated with 27-week pregnancy. On that day the fetus had no signs of life, and the caesarean delivery was performed; the child was stillborn. For the next two weeks the patient had been in medical coma due to the progression of respiratory and multi-organ failure. The patient had two separate cardiac arrests. Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation was successful. By day 20, the dynamics of her cardiac activity has been completely restored. The brain function restored to 15 on the Glasgow Coma Scale. Conclusion: Special measures of prevention and treatment of multi-organ failure, intensive care unit syndrome and post-intensive care syndrome should be taken in an ICU for pregnant women with COVID-19 pneumonia. %K Cardiac Arrest %K Pregnant Women %K COVID-19 Pneumonia %K Psychomotor Agitation %K Intensive Care Unit Syndrome %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=121181