%0 Journal Article %T 社会忽略对品牌转换行为的影响研究
Research on the Influence of Social Neglect on Brand Switching Behavior %A 奚瑶 %A 刘东胜 %J Modern Marketing %P 106-113 %@ 2160-7370 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MOM.2022.124013 %X 每个人在日常生活中都会遇到被拒绝或忽略的情况,例如发微信收不到他人的回复,在生意火爆的餐厅被服务员忽略。本文根据社会排斥的分类标准,以社会忽略为自变量,品牌转换行为为因变量,控制感为中介变量,自我建构(独立/依存)为调节变量,构建了理论模型,研究社会忽略对品牌转换行为的影响。
Everyone will encounter the situation of being rejected or ignored in daily life, such as not receiving a reply from others when sending WeChat, or being ignored by waiters in a busy restaurant. According to the classification criteria of social exclusion, this paper constructs a theoretical model to study the influence of social neglect on brand switching behavior, taking social neglect as the independent variable, brand switching behavior as the dependent variable, sense of control as the mediating variable, and self-construction (independence/dependence) as the moderating variable. %K 社会忽略,品牌转换行为,控制感
Social Neglect %K Brand Switching Behavior %K Sense of Control %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=58065