%0 Journal Article %T Secure Web Application Technologies Implementation through Hardening Security Headers Using Automated Threat Modelling Techniques %A Maduhu Mshangi Mlyatu %A Camilius Sanga %J Journal of Information Security %P 1-15 %@ 2153-1242 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/jis.2023.141001 %X This paper investigates whether security headers are enforced to mitigate cyber-attacks in web-based systems in cyberspace. The security headers examined include X-Content-Type-Options, X-Frame-Options, Strict-Transport-Security, Referrer-Policy, Content-Security-Policy, and Permissions-Policy. The study employed a controlled experiment using a security header analysis tool. The web-based applications (websites) were analyzed to determine whether security headers have been correctly implemented. The experiment was iterated for 100 universities in Africa which are ranked high. The purposive sampling technique was employed to understand the status quo of the security headers implementations. The results revealed that 70% of the web-based applications in Africa have not enforced security headers in web-based applications. The study proposes a secure system architecture design for addressing web-based applicationsĄŻ misconfiguration and insecure design. It presents security techniques for securing web-based applications through hardening security headers using automated threat modelling techniques. Furthermore, it recommends adopting the security headers in web-based applications using the proposed secure system architecture design. %K Secure Web Applications %K Security Headers %K Systems Security %K Secure Web Architecture Design %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=121567