%0 Journal Article %T 全球气候变化的相对论模型与计算实例
Relativistic Model of Global Climate Change and Its Calculation Examples %A 崔怀洋 %J Modern Physics %P 179-194 %@ 2161-0924 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MP.2022.126019 %X 与极值速度c类似,存在极值加速度β,任何物体的加速度都不能超过这个极限β。太阳系中的极值加速度β = 2.961520e+10 (m/s/s)。因为这个极值加速度是一个大数字,任何与β相关的效应都很容易测试,包括量子引力测试,参见本作者的综述文章viXra: 2205.0053。本文提出了一种将极值加速度与量子理论联系起来的方法,提出了一种行星尺度的相对论物质波模型。这个模型计算出了太阳黑子周期为10.93年。通过拟合观测数据得到耦合系数,计算出了全球气候变化的大尺度周期为100.6千年,与Milankovitch周期一致;估算出过去一个世纪全球气温上升了0.8℃。
In analogy with the ultimate speed c, there is an ultimate acceleration β, nobody’s acceleration can exceed this limit β, in the solar system, β = 2.961520e+10 (m/s/s). Because this ultimate acceleration is large, any effect related to β will become easy to test, including quantum gravity tests, see the author’s article viXra: 2205.0053 (in English). In this paper, an approach is put forward to connect the ultimate acceleration with quantum theory, the model of planetary relativistic matter waves is proposed. Using this approach, the sunspot cycle is calculated to be 10.93 years. By fitting observed data to obtain the coupling constant, the large-scale cycle of global climate change is calculated to be 100.6 thousand years, which is consistent with the Milankovitch cycle; this model estimates that the global temperature has risen by 0.8?C for the past century. %K 极值加速度,相对论物质波,加速度卷波 %K Ultimate Acceleration %K Relativistic Matter Wave %K Acceleration-Roll Wave %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=58593