%0 Journal Article %T Intra-Sellary Arachniodocele: About a Case at the Medical Clinic ¡°The Stars¡± of Bamako %A Ousmane Traore %A Alassane Kouma %A Souleymane Sanogo %A Mamadou N¡¯Diaye %A Ouncoumba Diarra %A Mahamadou Diallo %A Adama Diaman Keita %J Open Journal of Medical Imaging %P 190-194 %@ 2164-2796 %D 2022 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojmi.2022.124020 %X Intrasellar arachnoidocele is a herniation of the optochiasmatic cistern through a dehiscence of the sellar diaphragm producing an empty sella turcica, hence its name empty sella turcica syndrome. It is an extremely rare benign malformative pathology. We report a case of intra-sellar arachnoidocele in a 34-year-old woman revealed during an annual control of a sellar mass under dossinex by cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) which found the cystic formation of liquid signal identical to that of the LCS in hypo signal T1 and hyper signal T2 without enhancement after injection of Gadolinium. The epidemiological, clinical and radiological aspects of arachnoidocele were analyzed. The purpose of this work is to bring the interest of MRI in the management of this pathology. %K Arachnoidocele %K Arachnoid Cyst %K Sellar %K MRI %K Bamako %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=121649