%0 Journal Article %T 添加蝉花菌质饲料对鮰鱼养殖的效果评价分析
Evaluation and analysis on the effect of adding Substrate of Cordyceps Chanhua on Ictalurus punctatus aquaculture %A 董建飞 %A 潘坤 %A 李成 %A 王中清 %A 臧日伟 %A 孙长胜 %J Advances in Microbiology %P 177-181 %@ 2327-0829 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AMB.2022.114022 %X 通过在鮰鱼养殖饲料中添加1%的人工培养采收蝉花子实体后的蝉花菌质,对鮰鱼死亡率、增重率、饲料系数、免疫功能及营养成分等进行分析。结果显示,与对照组相比,在鮰鱼养殖饲料中添加1%蝉花菌质对鮰鱼的死亡率、平均增重率、总产量等均无显著影响,对饲料系数及营养成分不会产生明显损失。但在提高鮰鱼机体免疫力方面效果明显,与对照组相比,试验组各项免疫指标升高有极显著差异(P < 0.01)。
The mortality, weight gain rate, feed coefficient, immune function and nutrient composition of Ictalurus punctatus were analyzed by adding 1% substrate for after harvesting artificially cultured fruiting body of Cordyceps Chanhua to the breeding feed. The results showed that, compared with the control group, the addition of 1% Substrate in the Ictalurus punctatus feed had no significant effect on the mortality, average weight gain rate and total yield , there is no obvious loss of feed coefficient and nutrients. However, it has obvious effect in improving the immunity of Ictalurus punctatus. Compared with the control group, the increase of various immune indexes in the experimental group has a very significant difference (P < 0.01). %K 蝉花菌质,鮰鱼,免疫功能,营养价值
fermented substrate of Cordyceps chanhua %K Ictalurus punctatus %K immune function %K nutritional value %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=58609