%0 Journal Article %T <i>Desmarestia anceps</i> Montagne (Phaeophyceae) against Colorectal Cancer Cells: Cytotoxic Activity and Proapoptotic Effects %A Rafaele Frassini %A Daniela Steffens %A Sidnei Moura %A Cesar Aguzzoli %A Aline Paternostro Martins %A Pio Colepicolo %A Mutue Toyota Fujii %A Nair S. Yokoya %A Cl¨¢udio Martin Pereira De Pereira %A Ana Cl¨¢udia Phillipus %A Miriam De Barcellos Falkenberg %A Jo£¿o Antonio P¨ºgas Henriques %A Mariana Roesch-Ely %J Advances in Biological Chemistry %P 228-245 %@ 2162-2191 %D 2022 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/abc.2022.126019 %X Impairment of apoptosis promotes abnormal cellular proliferation and accumulation of genetic alterations. Identifying bioactive compounds extracted from seaweeds that induce apoptosis in cancer cells may be explored as new agents for cancer chemoprevention and/or chemotherapy. The present study aimed to determine the chemical composition and biological activity of the chloroform crude extract and fractions from Antarctic seaweed Desmarestia anceps. The chloroform extract was obtained by three consecutive macerations and the fractionation by vacuum liquid chromatography. The chemical characterization of the extract and fractions was performed through Gas Chromatography. The cytotoxicity of the crude extract and fractions was evaluated by the MTT assay. Cell death and cell cycle evaluation after 24 hours of exposure to chloroform extract were performed by flow cytometry. A total of 48 compounds were identified. The results indicate that chloroform extract and its fractions presented cytotoxic activity against HCT 116 cell line in a dose dependent-manner. Proapoptotic events were observed after chloroform extract exposition, which promoted an increase of multinucleated cells and reduced cell viability. This study was the first to explore cytotoxic potential of seaweed D. anceps fractions against HCT colorectal cancer cell line, suggesting that these macroalgae may be a promising candidate against anticancer activity. %K Antarctic Seaweeds %K Antitumor Activity %K Apoptosis %K Proapoptotic Effect %K Colorectal Cancer %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=121986