%0 Journal Article %T Internet of Things for Digital Forensics Application in Saudi Arabia %A Faihan B. Bindrwish %A Amer Nizar Abu Ali %A Wed H. Ghabban %A Alaaldin Alrowwad %A Najmah Adel Fallatah %A Omair Ameerbakhsh %A Ibrahim M. Alfadli %J Advances in Internet of Things %P 1-11 %@ 2161-6825 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ait.2023.131001 %X Despite the extensive empirical literature relating to the Internet of Things (IoT), surprisingly few attempts have sought to establish the ways in which digital forensics can be applied to undertake detailed examinations regarding IoT frameworks. The existing digital forensic applications have effectively held back efforts to align the IoT with digital forensic strategies. This is because the forensic applications are ill-suited to the highly complex IoT frameworks and would, therefore, struggle to amass, analyze and test the necessary evidence that would be required by a court. As such, there is a need to develop a suitable forensic framework to facilitate forensic investigations in IoT settings. Nor has considerable progress been made in terms of collecting and saving network and server logs from IoT settings to enable examinations. Consequently, this study sets out to develop and test the FB system which is a lightweight forensic framework capable of improving the scope of investigations in IoT environments. The FB system can organize the management of various IoT devices found in a smart apartment, all of which is controlled by the ownerĄŻs smart watch. This will help to perform useful functions, automate the decision-making process, and ensure that the system remains secure. A Java app is utilized to simulate the FB system, learning the userĄŻs requirements and security expectations when installed and employing the MySQL server as a means of logging the communications of the various IoT devices. %K Smart Home %K Internet of Things %K Digital Forensic %K FB Framework %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=122252